We operate in a naturally very fertile region of the Netherlands, which has long-term agricultural traditions and we take seriously the need to preserve the environment, as well as to educate the local people in appreciating the massive natural beauty of their surroundings. For example, one of our initiatives ” Oak” encourages activities within the community to reduce environmental contamination, including working with the City Council to find solutions for construction garbage, and cleaning the local towns and villages, as well as educating our staff on plastic pollution and how to minimize its use and impact.
We also aim to support our workers in all possible ways, from providing the best conditions for Health and Safety at work,
to providing and paying for training of potential high flyers. In addition we encourage sporting and healthy lifestyle activities
for our staff and their children, organising local sports events, internal competitions for staff members and encouraging all
members of staff to use the new sports centre with its gym and yoga rooms.