Numerical Simulation of the Seismic Damage of Daikai Station Based on Pushover Analyses
Numerical Simulation of the Seismic Damage of Daikai Station Based on Pushover Analyses,Study on the Seismic Response of a Water-Conveyance Tunnel Considering Non-Uniform Longitudinal Subsurface Geometry and Obliquely Incident SV-Waves,Microwave assisted synthesis of α-Fe2O3 half-hexagon nanoplates as an anode material for Li ion batteries - ScienceDirect,Centrifuge Shaking Table Tests on Precast Underground Structure–Superstructure System in Liquefiable Ground | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering | Vol 147, No 8,Shaking table test and cumulative deformation evaluation analysis of a tunnel across the hauling sliding surface - Pai - 2023 - Deep Underground Science and Engineering - Wiley Online Library