NEW WORK: Poster for @raqmusic at @nectarsvt 👁️🌸 I know, I know. It's been a while since I posted anything besides weather-related pix on my Stories. Been busy whipping up a ton
NEW WORK: Poster for @raqmusic at @nectarsvt 👁️🌸 I know, I know. It's been a while since I posted anything besides weather-related pix on my Stories. Been busy whipping up a ton,【Release Info】, DJ HASEBEさんのNew Mix Album ,Artwork done from the 1970's till now on paper (various dimensions+methods) All artwork created by @vankronksy soundtrack go to Instagram,FIBER - Electronic music intertwined with a blend of traditional and contemporary art forms, shadow puppetry, poetry, and masked choreographies. The hour-long performance Thức Tỉnh (Awaken) invites the audience to an encounter,Hi I'm here to share my art and discover new art and artists. Daily art share