Zeiss Ikon Contina Tessar 45mm F/2.8 Lens - Folding Rangefinder 35mm Film Camera Fully Functional 524/24 Model — F Stop Cameras
Zeiss Ikon Contina Tessar 45mm F/2.8 Lens - Folding Rangefinder 35mm Film Camera Fully Functional 524/24 Model — F Stop Cameras,Zeiss Ikon Contina LK 35mm Film Camera Color-Pantar 2.8/45,Zeiss Ikon Contina II – John's Cameras. A collection of interesting and old cameras.,Zeiss Ikon Contina 35mm Camera w/ 45mm f2.8 Lens -Jammed, As is-,Yahoo!オークション -「zeiss ikon contina」の落札相場・落札価格