Semantic Error Official Blu-ray Knock Version - Now In Seoul %
Semantic Error Official Blu-ray Knock Version - Now In Seoul %, : [SET] [Blu-ray] Semantic Error (CABINET Ver., 4 Disc) : W Original : Blu-ray + (KNOCK Ver., 2 Disc) : W Original : Blu-ray,Semantic Error Blu-ray now available for preorders with inclusion of the movie!!! : r/boyslove,Decided to get the rocky collection for $33. I heard that there were some issues with this set but I figured why not and pull the trigger. : r/4kbluray,Has anybody had experience repairing an iHOS104 bluray drive? Mine suddenly stopped reading discs. I've opened it up and found 3 tiny pots marked B, C and D, not found an A.